HIGHLAND REFRIGERATION IS A PRIVATELY OWNED INDUSTRIAL REFRIGERATION COMPANY FOUNDED IN SEATTLE IN 1999. We set our goals to design and build the most efficient refrigeration systems, using components of highest quality standards available worldwide using our many years of experience.…
Alaska Spirit
Alaska Spirit got a new refrigeration plant with two additional plate freezers…
Marine and Industrial Refrigeration Systems
We provide customized Industrial and marine refrigeration…
Automated freezing equipment
The rising cost and dwindling availability of personnel willing to work in the food industry has made investment in automated food freezing equipment a necessity. Highland Refrigeration supplies semi and fully automatic plate freezers,…
Bock – authorized distributor
Highland carries the whole line of BOCK open drive and semi hermetic reciprocating compressors for ammonia,…
Marine and Industrial Refrigeration Systems
Our team of experienced engineers constantly works to design innovative, cost-efficient marine and industrial…
Danfoss | Highland Refrigeration
Highland Refrigeration, besides designing and building the most efficient refrigeration systems, is one of the largest distributors of Danfoss products in North America, carrying a large selection of its…
Chillers for Fish Processing
Almost ready for shipping, two compact 70 T.R. freshwater chiller…
In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Pokerwelt rasant entwickelt, und viele Profi-Sportler haben beachtliche Erfolge an den Pokertischen erzielt. Diese Spieler haben ihre Fähigkeiten und ihren Wettkampfgeist aus anderen Sportarten genutzt, um in der Pokerwelt erfolgreich zu sein. Im Folgenden stellen wir einige der bemerkenswertesten Profi-Sportler vor, die im Jahr 2023 große Erfolge in der Pokerwelt gefeiert haben. www.hochgepokert.com 2023 11 01 topliste profi sportler mit grossen erfolgen in der pokerwelt 1. Cristiano Ronaldo Der weltbekannte Fußballstar Cristiano Ronaldo…
105TR Low Temperature glycol chiller
Complete refrigeration sysetm to increase the glycol…